just a little introduction =)

21-year-old english and art student
; likes creating new clothes from old clothes or from scratch, reading and writing poetry, macro photographing, seeing contrasts in everything, hiking, kittens, coffee, lydia and nicole dates
; dislikes eating meat, doing chores, wearing pink and blue together, goodbyes, broken sewing machines, bad cellphone service, all black outfits, running out of candy
; has a quirky style and tries to wear things that don't go together, lots of skirts and dresses and magical tights, layers everything in winter
; draws weird little creatures that look like childhood and other things that don't make sense.
21-year-old advertising, english, art and philosophy student
; likes making
lydia teach her how to change clothes, reading, hating on poetry, arthurian legends, yellow nailpolish, hiking, forests, dr. who, fields, exploring, cooking, adventures, dumpster diving, late night feasts, cider, awkward situations, harry potter 1-5,
lydia and
nicole dates
; dislikes stalkers, coffee, chocolate, business anything, self important people, cancer, whores and nausea
; has a quirky sense of humor and tries to laugh at everything, even failed outfit attempts
; has taken to drawing old man faces recently and recently became obsessed with writing coming of age tales.