unfortunately, there was still snow everywhere from about a week ago, which has since turned into the most lethal ice you can imagine and 'they' decided not to do anything about it, meaning i stayed inside the whole day, haha. i did have visitors, however, but since the sun sets at around 4, it was a little short-lived.
so today i wore:
dress: new york & company
tights: modcloth
shoes: plato's closet, i have no idea where originally
earrings: self-made
rings: one etsy, one self-made during the day
and i feel now is also the time to admit my possibly unnatural obsession with edie sedgwick and the 60s in general. admit but not expand upon. i shall save that for another day ;p
when i got downstairs i found waiting for me a small pile of presents and my friend mairead [muh - rade] and we swiftly put some indian snack bites in the oven while i opened everything up.
later my brother showed up (he moved to london over the summer), and my family opened our christmas gifts too because we are leaving early tomorrow morning to go visit extended family for a couple days and by the end of the day i looked like this, wearing a sweater from topshop, suitably edie ;) :
and here is a closeup of the ring i made (from mere rick-rack!) after being given a "vintage accessories" book from my mum =)
all in all, a fabulous day
merry christmas for tomorrow!