...and more wood swings!!! (said the little but big 6 year-old boy who decided he would be our friend when we went to the park on a sunny saturday)
also, check out that new banner up there~~~ should be getting a sweet background some time soon too, exciting exciting!
but this is the first nicole + lydia post in a long while, so i shall get to it
lydia's wearing:
dress: modcloth
cropped sweater: plato's closet
sunglasses: plato's closet
bag: thrifted
leggings: gabriel brothers
shoes: dorothy perkins? topshop? everywhere?
we finally got our modcloth package, and so i obviously had to wear this dress at the first possible moment. when i picked it, i had visions of pubbing and late nights in mind, but since that wasn't on the cards, i day-ed it down with my favourite - stripes =)

nicole's wearing:
dress: gap
jacket: The Thing (a thriftstore in Greenpoint/BKNY, check it out if you're close, it's amazing!!)
belt: The Thing
shoes: The Village (thrift shop)
headband: F21
overall, a great time in the park in the sun =))))
~ lydia and nicole