once upon a time, after a long time overseas, lydia finally returned, and lydia and nicole could once again become lydia and nicole and not lydia far far far away from nicole.
and they could take fantastic outfit photos of each other, together, even if they did dress in contrasting colours.
nicole also found this the perfect time to steal lydia's skirt for a day, which lydia let her do, so it wasn't really stealing at all. but she had made it specially for herself from a big petticoat of vintage lace she found one day in the secret land of lewes.
the skirt went perfectly with nicole's new socks she made her mom buy her from target, and her new cosy pink cardigan.
lydia tried to make nicole alice-in-wonderland-esque, but her silly cat did not like it and got very afraid of the flashing camera so we had to let her go.

on the other side of the colour spectrum, lydia wore her fantastic new watercolour green h&m dress she found in the sales with the cardigan from last christmas she may or may not have worn only once since then.
her vintage hat also made a cameo, on a day where she did not even venture outside (which also explains her bare legs under those old lady socks)
nicole did not try any crazy alice in wonderland stunts, and instead got some lovely pictures of her.

after this day of reunion and fun (in which lydia also started taking fashiony photos for her photo journalism class which will be posted SOON!), the two girls went to a party in a magical attic lit with christmas lights and in the theme of surf, and both had a marvelous time dancing to the beach boys and the drums in their cute little surfer outfits
~ lydia and nicole