yesterday it snowed again (boo) so much that we got the day off from college (yay) and, since i did not feel like braving it outside, i kept myself busy indoors.
this is what it looked like when i woke up:
and this is how i spent my day off:
blackberry jam toast and coffee, surfing the internets
got dressed
started making a dress, from a pattern i found for $1! (usually i don't use patterns... but i couldn't turn this down)
made french toast (eggy bread)
and got this far with the dress

made a whoooole load of cookies
each one was a different shape.. here is a bunny, a bone, and a mustache...
other shapes include a dinosaur, a glass of beer, a ufo, an elephant, a guitar, and the initials of my housemates
and now i have to catch up on reading, because after all the making, i was as sleepy as my kitten
happy pancake day =)