Friday, February 26, 2010

"I'll make you look as if you've lived."

everyone loves a film noir


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

If I had a million dollars...

So, I just got in dresses for us from ModCloth today...  Finally.  Took ages.  But I should give thanks to Liep in Jamaca Queens otherwise we wouldn't have them at all!  I do not, however, have the time to drive to Lydia and do photoshootoffun!  So, instead, I'm going to post about what else I would get from ModCloth.  If I had a million dollars...

(Song by the Barenaked Ladies :| )

If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you furniture for your house..
(or The Big Bento Box of Unuseless Japanese Inventions for Lydia & the Moose Alley Wall Hook for tacky me)

If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
i'd but you a green dress ( but not a real green dress that's cruel) 
(or the Mon Petit Chou Dress or Lydia & The Plumfield Dress or me even though greendressesarecoolk?)

If I had a 1,000,000
We wouldn't have to walk to the store
If I had a 1,000,000
We'd take a limousine cause it costs more 
(or Edie Wedgewick Shoes or Lydia & The Nottingham Boots for me since we wouldn't ruin them with pesky walking)

Aaaaand yes.  I've completely wasted time.  And haven't studied for my quiz.  And have this song...   stuck in my head.  But it's all okay.  Because I got to look at things I want instead... Here's to hoping you do the same!  Cheers!

Also: WHOA I'm muted.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my day off

yesterday it snowed again (boo) so much that we got the day off from college (yay) and, since i did not feel like braving it outside, i kept myself busy indoors.

this is what it looked like when i woke up:

and this is how i spent my day off:

blackberry jam toast and coffee, surfing the internets

got dressed

started making a dress, from a pattern i found for $1! (usually i don't use patterns... but i couldn't turn this down)

made french toast (eggy bread)

and got this far with the dress

made a whoooole load of cookies

each one was a different shape.. here is a bunny, a bone, and a mustache...

other shapes include a dinosaur, a glass of beer, a ufo, an elephant, a guitar, and the initials of my housemates

and now i have to catch up on reading, because after all the making, i was as sleepy as my kitten

happy pancake day =)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

pretty pictures

all i've been doing lately is gathering pretty pictures. lots which are all the same colour. the colour in which i need to buy ten thousand new clothes. or just a couple, you know, whichever. aka i can't wait for h&m's garden collection to come into storrrrres



      5.                                              6.                                     

7.                                 8.


9.                                              10.

1. amaliachimera on flickr
2. gingerlillytea on flickr
3. ivory faces on flickr
4. mysteri_blue on flickr
5. stacyname on flickr
6. geoff on flickr
7. cecilia austin
8. mine, during last year's ice storm
9. mine, at sunset in the mountains
10. mine, one cloudy moonlit night

in other news, i haven't been dressing very 60's lately and it's making me sad, not including my obligatory darkened beauty spot a la edie sedgwick. i must work on this.
